2014年6月25日 星期三

《回歸巨變 精彩澳門 - 澳門風采巡迴展》/ A Very Different Macau ---- A Touring Art Exhibition of Development in Macau Since Its Return

《回歸巨變 精彩澳門 - 澳門風采巡迴展》

(澳門,2014624日)為慶祝澳門回歸15周年,體現澳門回歸以來的巨大變化,由金沙中國有限公司贊助的《回歸巨變 精彩澳門 - 澳門風采巡迴展》將於2014717日至88日在澳門威尼斯人®舉行。經歷時兩年的精心籌備,是次展覽獲近百位知名中國內地畫家親赴澳門實地采風,全新創作110幅以澳門為主題的作品。


《回歸巨變 精彩澳門 - 澳門風采巡迴展》的畫作涵蓋油畫、國畫、水彩、綜合材料,以及數位藝術等多種形式,內容包括澳門風光、當代建築(酒店)、宗教、人文和歷史知名人物。參與是次畫展的57位畫家除了包括內地著名的徐兆前、張旺、楊雪果及傅曉晨之外,還有來自澳門楊大名、潘錦玲及何佩珊實力派畫家,共同為本土文化藝術獻出一分力。

日期:            2014717日至88
開放時間:    上午10時至晚上6(最後入場時間為下午530分)
展覽地點:    澳門威尼斯人1樓那不勒斯會議室
備註:            免費入場
藝術家徐兆前的其中一幅參展作品《新馬路與大三巴》。為慶祝回歸祖國15周年,澳門威尼斯人將在2014717日至88日舉行《回歸巨變 精彩澳門 - 澳門風采巡迴展》,展出110幅由近百位知名國內藝術家以澳門為主題全新創作的佳作。
藝術家張旺的其中一幅參展作品《七子之歌》。為慶祝回歸祖國15周年,澳門威尼斯人將在2014717日至88日舉行《回歸巨變 精彩澳門 - 澳門風采巡迴展》,展出110幅由近百位知名國內藝術家以澳門為主題全新創作的佳作。

藝術家傅曉晨的其中一幅參展作品《澳門印象系列3——無限的藍和金》。為慶祝回歸祖國15周年,澳門威尼斯人將在2014717日至88日舉行《回歸巨變 精彩澳門 - 澳門風采巡迴展》,展出110幅由近百位知名國內藝術家以澳門為主題全新創作的佳作。

A Very Different Macau ---- A Touring Art Exhibition of Development in Macau Since Its Return

To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the handover of Macao to China and the tremendous change that followed, A Very Different Macau ---- A Touring Art Exhibition of Development in Macau Since Its Return, sponsored by Sands China Ltd., will be held at The Venetian® Macao from July 17 to Aug. 8, 2014. After two years of careful preparation, the art exhibition will showcase 110 Macao-themed art pieces from nearly 100 mainland artists, who created the works in Macao.

The free-admission art exhibition is organised by the Center for International Cultural Exchange of the People’s Republic of China and the China Foundation for the Development of Social Culture, and co-organised by Imperial Court Cultural Development Company Ltd and leewiART International CG Art Promotion Organization.

A Very Different Macau ---- A Touring Art Exhibition of Development in Macau Since Its Return brings together a selection of paintings that includes work done using oil, watercolour, mixed materials, as well as digital art, showcasing Macao’s scenery, contemporary architecture, religion, culture, and well-known personalities. Aside from 57 renowned mainland artists, such as Xu Zhaoqian, Zhang Wang, Yang Xueguo and Fu Xiaochen, skilled artists from Macao, including Yang Daming, Pan Jinling and He Peishan will also be participating in the exhibition to contribute to the development of local art and culture.

Exhibition Details:
Date:                                       July 17 to Aug. 8, 2014
Hours of Operation:            10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (last admission at 5:30 p.m.)
Venue:                                   Naples Meeting Room, Level 1, The Venetian Macao
Notes:                           Free admission
Xu Zhaoqian’s “Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro and Ruins of St. Paul’s is one of 110 newly created Macao-themed art pieces from nearly 100 mainland artists that will be on display at The Venetian Macao July 17-Aug. 8, 2014, for the A Very Different Macau ---- A Touring Art Exhibition of Development in Macau Since Its Return, in celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the handover of Macao to China.
Zhang Wang’s “Song of Seven Sons” is one of 110 newly created Macao-themed art pieces from nearly 100 mainland artists that will be on display at The Venetian Macao July 17-Aug. 8, 2014, for the A Very Different Macau ---- A Touring Art Exhibition of Development in Macau Since Its Return, in celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the handover of Macao to China.

Artist Fu Xiaochen’s “Infinite Blue and Golden” is one of 110 newly created Macao-themed art pieces from nearly 100 mainland artists that will be on display at The Venetian Macao July 17-Aug. 8, 2014, for the A Very Different Macau----A Touring Art Exhibition of Development in Macau Since Its Return, in celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the handover of Macao to China.
