2014年6月17日 星期二

澳門中樂團特別製作系列 《鼓吹絲竹》音樂會 / Special Production Series Concert by the Macao Chinese Orchestra

二零一四年七月十二日 星期六 晚上八時
地點:崗頂劇院  票價:MOP 40

《漁舟凱歌》                                             浙江省歌舞團集體創作 中央樂團改編
《幽蘭逢春》                                                                趙松庭、曹星曲
《駝鈴響叮噹》彈撥合奏                                                                        顧冠仁改編
《三六》彈撥合奏                                                                 江南絲竹 顧冠仁改編
《二泉映月》二胡與薩克斯                                                 華彥鈞曲 劉文金編曲
二胡:張悅如 薩克斯:田丁
《賽馬》二重奏                                                                                             黃海懷曲
《奪豐收》吹打樂                                                       劉炳臣、劉萬羚曲
《節日的赤黎村》吹管樂合奏                                        陳茂堅作曲 李家華編曲
《小李飛刀》                                                                         顧家輝曲 李家華編曲


購票電話(853) 2855 5555
節目查詢(853) 8399 6699

Special Production Series
Concert by the Macao Chinese Orchestra
Percussion, Wind, String and Bamboo Pipe Instruments Concert

Time: 8:00pm on Saturday 12th July, 2014
Location: Dom Pedro V Theatre     
Ticket Price: MOP40

Triumphal Return of Fishing Boats       
Collectively designed by Zhejiang Song and Dance Troupe
Adapted by Central Philharmonic Orchestra
Drum Leader: Li Chang
  Spring Coming to the Secluded Orchid
Composed by Zhao Songting and Cao Xing
Dizi: Wei Zidong
Tinkling Camel Bells – Plucked Strings Ensemble
Adapted by Gu Guanren
Thirty-six Modules – Plucked Strings Ensemble
Jiangnan Sizhu
Adapted by Gu Guanren
The Moon Reflected on the Er-quan Spring – Erhu and Saxophone
Composed by Hua Yanjun
Arranged by Liu Wenjin
Erhu: Zhang Yueru, Saxophone: Tian Ding
Horse Racing – Duet
Composed by Huang Haihuai
Erhu: Liu Xinran and Sun Huaran
Get Harvest – Wind and Percussion
Composed by Liu Bingchen and Liu Wanling
Suona Leader: Guo Shuangxi and Ma Wai Him
Chi Li Village Festivals – Wind Instrument Ensemble
Composed by Chen Maojian
Arranged by Li Jiahua
Little Lee Flying Dagger
Composed by Joseph Koo
Arranged by Li Jiahua

                                            Duration: approximately 60 minutes, without intermission.

Tickets available for sale on Macauticket.com.
Ticket sale phone number: (853) 2855 5555
Ticket sale website: www.macauticket.com
Programme Enquiries:  (853) 8399 6699
