2014年6月12日 星期四

著名美國肖像畫家Stephen Bennett之Faces of Light人像油畫展 / American portrait painter Stephen Bennett for his Faces of Light Art Exhibition

澳門威尼斯人®將於2014619日至83辦著名美國肖像畫家Stephen BennettFaces of Light人像油畫是次展覽Stephen Bennett在中國的首個展覽,並向公眾免費開放

為展示世界各地人類的多樣性,38張不同大小、描繪出包括中國和日本等不同文化背景的人物的手繪肖像,將於澳門威尼斯人這一獨特的展覽中呈現。其中最引人入勝的人物包括《上帝也瘋狂》中備受喜愛的納米比亞演員歷蘇(N!xau)、荷里活女演員莎朗·史東,以及澳洲著名土著迪吉里杜管(澳洲原住民特有的一種吹管樂器)製造家Djalu Gurruwiwi等。Bennett將會在展覽期間舉辦兩個工作坊,與本澳主修視覺藝術系之學生及本地社團的兒童互動,並分享其繪畫技巧。



這位國際藝術家也是Faces of the World, Inc. 之創辦人,該組織為一教育機構,旨在教育及鼓勵全世界的兒童過藝術進行交流。

Faces of Light人像油畫
Stephen Bennett肖像畫家作品

日期:            2014619日至83
開放時間:    上午11時至晚上8
地點:            澳門威尼斯人三樓(近威尼斯人宴會廳)

票價:            免費入場

The Venetian® Macao is hosting renowned American portrait painter Stephen Bennett for his Faces of Light Art Exhibition from June 19 to Aug. 3, 2014. The free-admission exhibition marks the first Stephen Bennett exhibition in China.

Celebrating the human diversity of the world, the 38 small and large scale hand-painted portraits of people of different cultures from around the world, including China and Japan, will be displayed at this one-of-a-kind exhibition at The Venetian Macao. Highlights include portraits of Namibia’s beloved actor N!xau from the film “The Gods Must Be Crazy;” Hollywood actress Sharon Stone; and renowned aboriginal didgeridoo maker Djalu Gurruwiwi. During the exhibition period, two workshops will be arranged in which Bennett will demonstrate his painting skills live and interact with visual art students and children from local communities.

Over the last two decades Bennett has travelled to over 30 countries, seeking out indigenous people to capture their soulful faces and ritual adornments through colourful paintings on a grand scale. Bennett's mission is to preserve and celebrate the world's diversity through a unique style of realism using interpretive colours with paints that he has hand-mixed from pure pigments. The focus of his paintings is on the eyes, which invite people to enter and experience their common humanity.

Bennett’s work has been exhibited in private and national galleries in Tanzania, Brunei, Sarawak, Malaysia, Mexico, St. Martin, Panama, France, French Polynesia, the Seychelles and the United States. His work has been featured on three sets of United Nations postage stamps in 2009, 2010 and 2012, issued in three countries and three languages at the United Nations Headquarters offices in Austria, Switzerland and the U.S.

The international artist is also the founder of Faces of the World, Inc., an educational organisation aimed at teaching and inspiring children from all over the world to communicate through art.


Faces of Light Art Exhibition
Featuring the work of portrait painter Stephen Bennett

Date:               June 19 to Aug. 3, 2014
Time:              11 a.m-8 p.m. daily
Venue: Level 3, The Venetian Macao (near the Venetian Ballroom)
Admission:   Free
