2014年6月5日,香港及澳門 --- 四年一度的FIFA世界盃快將舉行﹗星際酒店「品味吧」特意在世界盃賽事舉行期間,推出一連串有獎遊戲,讓客人在欣賞精彩刺激的比賽同時,有機會贏取一系列2014 FIFA世界盃大會指定啤酒百威啤酒(Budweiser)的限量紀念品,消費越多,中獎機會越大﹗快與好友相約來「品味吧」,享受源源不絕的驚喜﹗
有獎遊戲第1擊 ----- 「品味吧」世界盃擦擦卡大抽獎
有獎遊戲第2擊 -----「品味吧」LED世界盃龍門陣
另外,凡於即日至7月31日期間逢周二晚,凡惠顧「品味吧」Bachelor Perfection 3小時任飲優惠的顧客可即場參加「LED世界盃龍門陣」電子遊戲,只要能成功射入大銀幕中的LED龍門,即可贏取精美禮品乙份。
- 客人在逢周二晚的Bachelor
Perfection可以優惠價MOP 188享受3小時無限任飲11款罐裝啤酒及指定小食拼盤一個
- 終極大抽獎之得獎者將於2014年8月15日前獲專人通知領獎安排
Win FIFA World Cup Premiums at “Whisky Bar” of StarWorld Hotel
5 June 2014, Hong Kong & Macau --- “Whisky Bar”
of StarWorld Hotel has prepared a host of exciting games and giveaways for you
and your soccer buddies during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. From now until 31 July
2014, every guest patronizing the specified offering of Whisky Bar will have a
chance to win various limited edition FIFA premiums produced by Budweiser,
which is the Official Beer Sponsor of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Game 1 ----- “Whisky Bar”
FIFA Scratch & Win
From now through
31 July 2014, customers ordering six bottles of Budweiser beers or above at Whisky
Bar will be offered a “Scratch & Win” card to get a chance to win various prizes,
including collector’s edition beer mugs and all-you-can-drink Budweiser beers. In
addition, customers can also submit their guess for the 2014 World Cup champion
and enter into a lucky draw on 15 July to win a national team jersey. Quota is
limited, first-come-first-served.
“Whisky Bar” of StarWorld Hotel has
prepared a host of exciting games and giveaways
for you and your soccer buddies
during the 2014 FIFA World Cup
Game 2 ----- “Whisky Bar”
LED Football Fever
From now until
31 July 2014, customers patronizing the “Bachelor Perfection” promotion of Whisky
Bar every Tuesday evening will be entitled to take part in the“Whisky Bar LED
Football Fever”. Each winner of the game
will be presented a soccer premium.
at the heart of the entertainment and business hub, Whisky Bar is your perfect
place to chill out with your soccer buddies during the exciting World Cup
and Conditions
The “Bachelor Perfection” package includes
3 hours all-you-can-drink on all bottled beers (selection of 11 items), plus one
assorted snack platter for MOP 188
Winners of the “FIFA Scratch &
Win lucky draw” will be contacted before 15 August 2014
Terms and Conditions apply