2014年5月21日 星期三

星際酒店「品味坊」特邀三位西班牙名廚 合力譜出“A Taste of Spain”星級晚宴 StarWorld Hotel Presents “A Taste of Spain” Orchestrated by 3 Guest Chefs from Spain

 一向致力推廣飲食文化的星際酒店,繼早前一系列以葡萄牙、意大利和法國等國家為主題的品酒盛宴後,最近又邀請了三位來自西班牙的頂級名廚前來澳門助陣,以他們各人最擅長的烹調技藝,合力設計一個別出心裁的星級晚宴 “A Taste of Spain”,再配上西班牙出產的優質美酒,由即日起至2014731日期間,饕客們只需前往澳門星際酒店16樓的「品味坊」,就可以來一趟味遊西班牙之旅,銀河優越會會員更可尊享高達8折起的優惠﹗

是次星際酒店「品味坊」的 “A Taste of Spain” 星級晚宴,由三位在著名餐廳Quemo駐場的西班牙名廚一起主理,包括米芝蓮星級大廚Pascual Angel Manubens;曾於1999年西班牙全國年輕廚師大賽奪得冠軍的Aitor Olabegoya;及著名餐廳El Quim De La Boqueria的接班人Yuri Marquez。透過此“A Taste of Spain” 星級晚宴,客人可一次過品嚐三人的超凡廚藝,並從每道菜的和諧配合,深深感受西班牙人的熱情奔放性格。

(左起) Aitor Olabegoya Pascual Angel ManubensYuri Marquez


頭盤 : 燒牛油果、醃蕃茄及洋蔥忌廉
配酒:Trascampanas, DO Rueda Bodegas Gotica 2012

頭盤由大廚Aitor Olabegoya主理,大廚表示蕃茄以秘製醬料醃製24小時而成,口感帶甜,加上同樣醃至微酸的牛油果,配上風乾期達36個月的黑毛豬火腿,份外油潤甘香,絕對是開胃之選。
為頭盤選配的白酒Trascampanas, DO Rueda Bodegas Gotica 2012,產於西班牙西北部,和諧輕盈的酒體,可多元搭配不同食材,能有效提升兩道菜的清新味道。


前菜 : 煙燻三文、青花魚沙律
配酒:Trascampanas, DO Rueda Bodegas Gotica 2012

此前菜體現了大廚Yuri Marquez對色、香、味的完美追求。在餐廳職員把菜式放上桌前,客人早已可清晰聞到煙燻果木的誘人香氣,當揭開玻璃蓋後,更會看到一陣陣輕煙緩緩升起。肉質豐腴的挪威煙三文魚和青花魚,加上微辣的香烤薯仔、甜蜜可口的蜜餞薑絲、清新的香橙肉和酥脆的烤南瓜籽,再配以薄荷、檸檬、青檸及紫蘇葉等香料製成的沙律白汁,滿腔清新芬芳的口感,令人一試難忘。

頭盤和前菜均建議配合來自西班牙西北部的白酒Trascampanas, DO Rueda Bodegas Gotica 2012,其略帶乾澀的口感,恰好帶出以上兩道菜的清新滋味。


配酒:Honoro Vera, Do Calatayud Bodegas Ateca 2011

熬製超過兩小時的香濃龍蝦上湯,加入西班牙短麵條和原隻爽脆的澳洲龍蝦肉,根據主埋的米芝蓮星級大廚Pascual Angel Manubens表示,這道菜是仿照西班牙漁夫傳統的烹調方式而製,海鮮味非常濃郁討好。特別一提,配上的紅酒為 2013年奧斯卡頒獎禮大會指定紅酒Honoro Vera, Do Calatayud Bodegas Ateca 2011,口感順滑有層次,令人久久不能忘懷。

甜品: 朱古力西班牙脆條
配酒:Teatinos Moscatel, DO Ribera del

最後,餐廳為顧客送上一道傳統的西班牙甜點。酥脆的麵包條沾上晶瑩剔透的白砂糖,加上溫暖濃滑的熱朱古力醬和冰凍的呍呢嗱雪糕伴食,配合來自西班牙東南部充滿花果香氣的甜酒Teatinos Moscatel, DO Ribera del,為這充滿西班牙滋味的晚餐劃上完美的句號。

“A Taste of Spain” 星級晚宴
推廣日期:         由即日起至2014 7 31日, 每晚7時至10

價格:                     四道菜晚餐 ----- 每位澳門幣988*
      配西班牙餐酒 -----每位加澳門幣288*

特別優惠﹕       銀河優越會名人坊黑卡會員                            8
                           銀河優越會白金卡 / 名人坊白金卡會員         85
                           銀河優越會金卡會員                                        9

地址:                  星際酒店16樓「品味坊」

訂座電話:           (853) 8290 8688/ 800 968 811 (香港免費專線)

 Following the resounding success from its previous series of Portuguese, Italian and French wine pairing menus, StarWorld Hotel is proud to announce a new initiative in bringing another authentic dining culture to its guests with the launch of “A Taste of Spain” dinner menu. StarWorld Hotel has especially invited three renowned culinary masters from Spain to collaborate and present the most authentic Spanish flavours to Macau, only available from now through 13 July 2014 at Temptations of StarWorld Hotel.  Members of Galaxy Privilege Club can exclusively enjoy up to 20% discount!

The four-course “A Taste of Spain” dinner menu features signature dishes from each of the three Spanish culinary masters from the renowned restaurant Quemo, their mutual sensibilities evident in the complementary flavours carefully selected for the pleasure of diners. They include the Michelin-starred Chef Pascual Angel Manubens, the Winner of Spain’s Best Young Chef competition in 1991 Aitor Olabegoya, and the successor to the kitchen of worldwide famous restaurant El Quim De La Boqueria in Barcelona, Yuri Marquez.


The three renowned culinary masters from Spain are presenting “A Taste of Spain” dinner menu at Temptations of StarWorld Hotel, namely (from the left) Aitor Olabegoya,
Pascual Angel Manubens and Yuri Marquez


Starter: Grilled Avocado, Pickled Tomato, Onion Cream Confit
Recommended Wine:
Trascampanas, DO Rueda Bodegas Gotica 2012

Prepared by Chef Aitor Olabegoya, the starter features typically Spanish pickled tomato, grilled avocado and Iberian ham cured over 36 months, for a perfectly rich and savoury result. The tomato’s chewy texture and tangy taste, Chef Olabegoya reveals, is achieved through pickling in a secret home-made sauce for 24 hours. Combined with the light sour marinated avocado, the starter is the ideal choice to begin the evening.


Entrée: Smoked Salad with Mackerel & Salmon
Recommended Wine: Trascampanas, DO Rueda Bodegas Gotica 2012

The entrée is a testament to the meticulous methods of Chef Yuri Marquez, who prides himself on offering diners with a feast of colours, smells and tastes. Enticed by the lovely fragrance of smouldering woods, diners’ senses are fully provoked as the glass dome is lifted, releasing a harmonious aroma of the smoke and fish. From the plump texture of the Norway Salmon and Mackerel to the lightly grilled spicy potatoes,  symphonized with sweet caramelised shredded ginger, fresh orange pulp and crispy roasted pumpkin seeds, the dish explores every flavour to the peak of succulence. The salad white sauce, prepared with mint, lemon, lime and Basil leaves, brings a hint of freshness and creamy texture to the dish, providing guests with a most unique and memorable flavour.

Produced in the North West of Spain, Trascampanas, DO Rueda Bodegas Gotica 2012, is the white wine specially recommended for both the starter and entrée above. Its slightly dry texture is particularly poised to enhance the refreshing flavours of the two dishes.


Main Course: Lobster Cooked with Spanish Noodles
Recommended Wine: Honoro Vera, Do Calatayud Bodegas Ateca 2011

The main course is a lusciously creamy lobster bisque simmered for two hours for its intense flavour.  Combined with special Spanish noodles and elegantly topped with the chunky meat of a whole Australian lobster, according to the Michelin-starred Chef Pascual Angel Manubens, the dish is inspired by the approach of Spanish fishermen to cooking, using only top quality locally-sourced ingredients. Similar to angel hair pasta, the short and thin strands absorb the best of the lobster soup.

The recommended wine for this dish is Honoro Vera, Do Calatayud Bodegas Ateca 2011, a red wine from the North West of Spain, and one of the official wines poured at the Oscars in 2013. Its complex and smooth flavours guarantee a most sophisticated experience.


Dessert: Churros with Spicy Chocolate & Cream
Recommended Wine: Teatinos Moscatel, DO Ribera del

This traditional Spanish dessert is the ideal end to a most authentic Spanish menu. The crunchy finger bread is coated in sparkling white sugar, dipped in decadent warm chocolate sauce and topped with vanilla ice cream. Together with the fruity and floral aromas of the refreshing white wine Teatinos Moscatel, DO Ribera del from the South East of Spain, this dessert will provide the perfect end note to an evening of Spanish sensations.

“A Taste of Spain” Dinner Menu
Promotional Period:         From now until 31 July 2014, nightly during 19:00-22:00

Price:                        4-course set dinner ----- MOP 988 each
                                Spanish wine pairing ----- extra MOP 288 each
*Subject to 10 % service charge

Special discounts:      Galaxy Privilege Club Pavilion Black Card members                    20% off
                                Galaxy Privilege Club Platinum / The Pavilion Platinum Card members 15% off
                                Galaxy Privilege Club Gold Card members                         10% off

Venue:                      Temptations, 16/F of StarWorld Hotel

Reservations:            (853) 8290 8688 / 800 968 811 (HK toll free number)
