2014年5月19日 星期一

澳門美高梅中法藝術展「想‧法」揭幕 二十九件藝術作品慶祝中法建交五十週年 MGM MACAU Launches the “L’art Chinois” Exhibition to Celebrate the 50-Year-Long Friendship Between France and China


「想」藝術展之導賞酒會於516日下午6時舉行,出席嘉賓包括:澳門基金會行政委員會主席吳志良先生、澳門特別行政區政府文化局文化活動廳廳長楊子健先生、文產基金行政委員會委員周信余先生、澳門法國文化協會總監Xavier Garnier、美高梅中國控股有限公司首席執行官及執行董事簡博賢先生、全藝社理事長郭恬熙小姐、參展藝術家以及來自各界的藝術愛好者。


四位遊走於中法文化的藝術家,利用不同的媒材與手法,將新與舊、東方與西方的文化融匯貫通,穿梭古今,穿越歷史與現實之間,體現了不同國家、民族相互溝通理解、求同存異的精神,也是中、法建交五十年帶給兩地人民最寶貴的文化財富。當中洪慧以跨文化藝術表達形式詮釋中國傳統水墨;郭恬熙以錄像藝術媒體展現其眼中澳門的變化;一夫(Yves Etienne Sonolet)以攝影作品展示新舊的真假對照;賈鵑麗描繪的畫作涵蓋宮廷景緻及古代仕女,朦朧的畫面彷彿時光倒流回到百多年前的中國



To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between France and the People's Republic of China, MGM MACAU has launched an exhibition titled “L’art Chinois” in collaboration with Art For All Society, showcasing 29 works of art by four contemporary artists from Mainland China, Macau and France at the L2 Showcase.  This exhibition—a new achievement of Sino-French art and cultural exchanges—runs from May 17 through October 12.

The Appreciation Cocktail kicked off at 6pm on May 16.  Guests included Mr. Xavier Garnier, Director of the Alliance Française de Macao; Mr. Wu Zhiliang, President of the Administrative Committee of Macao Foundation; Mr. Kent Ieong, Director of the Cultural Events Department, Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macau SAR Government; Mr. Chao Son U, Member of the Executive Committee of the Cultural Industry Fund; Mr. Grant R. Bowie, Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited; Ms. Alice Kok, Director of Art For All Society; all participating artists and art lovers from all walks of life.

“MGM MACAU has been a staunch supporter of art and culture for years.  This exhibition celebrates the 50-year-long friendly ties between France and the People's Republic of China and represents the latest culmination of art and cultural exchanges while providing a platform for both emerging and established artists to showcase their talent”, Mr. Bowie said.

The four artists featured in this exhibition have been balancing two different cultures for artistic inspiration.  Hong Wai’s paintings embrace her creative style of recent years and use rice paper and ink-color—a medium rooted in Chinese tradition.  Alice Kok’s works show the transformation of Macau through her eyes via the medium of video art.  The photographic works by Yves seek to contrast the new and the old.  Jia Juanli’s paintings have this dreamlike quality in them, depicting palace scenery and court ladies of ancient times.  

These artists use various mediums and approaches to convey the idea that cultural integration is not only about mutual understanding or acceptance of diversity, but also embodies the cultural wealth of the 50-year-long diplomatic relations between France and the People's Republic of China.

This exhibition features 29 specially selected artworks, all housed at the L2 Showcase, and is open 24 hours a day from May 17 to October 12, 2014.  Admission is free.   
