2014年7月11日 星期五

《Nitro Circus玩命特技現場秀》載譽重臨澳門威尼斯人表演 / Travis Pastrana’s Nitro Circus Live Coming Back to The Venetian Macao

Nitro Circus玩命特技現場秀》載譽重臨澳門威尼斯人表演


驚心動魄的Nitro Circus玩命特技現場秀》將於今年再次空降澳門威尼斯人®金光綜藝館,於89日及10日為澳門帶來兩場挑戰極限的全新特技秀。門票將於625日(星期三)在各大金光票務售票處*公開發售。

Nitro Circus於去年8月在金光綜藝館的首次演出是澳門前所未見的,共兩場矚目驚心的極限運動表演令現場觀眾拍案叫絕。極限運動傳奇人物兼Nitro Circus創辦人Travis Pastrana將會參與是次澳門演出,粉絲們絕對不容錯過今年8Nitro Circus的回歸秀

Pastrana 表示:「今次巡演是有史以來最大型及最大膽的極限運動演出。這是一場最刺激及最驚險的特技現場秀,無畏的極限運動表演者將在每場表演中挑戰他們的終極極限。」

繼歐洲、北美洲、南非以及澳洲全票售罄的巡迴演出後,澳門站的現場秀將會是這個團體於2014年巡迴演出踏足亞洲的第一站,讓當地觀眾一睹他們過去5年內費盡心思研發的令人瞠目結舌之嶄新表演。澳門的支持者更會成為此巡迴之旅首批觀眾觀賞這次全新設計以數百萬元重金打造的全新驚人表演。是次表演加入了1920年代的Barnum & Bailey馬戲團元素作編排,是Nitro Circus歷年來首個帶有「復古」風格的表演。

這次巡演匯聚史上最頂尖的極限運動員陣容,包括最新世界極限運動大賽之極限摩托車越野賽亞軍得主Adam Jones,以及極限摩托車花式競技賽冠軍Josh Sheehan。而小輪車技巧方面,James Foster乃是世界唯一做到後空翻三圈的單車極限運動員,同時也是該技巧動作的發明者,連同來自新西蘭的Jed ‘The Warrior’ Mildon在澳門大展車技。而小輪車團隊中之10位成員將在金光綜藝館表演亞洲前所未見的最新技巧。


Nitro Circus玩命特技現場秀》匯聚全球超過40名最頂尖的極限運動員,為觀眾演繹神乎奇技及屢破世界紀錄的自由式摩托車越野賽、小輪車及滑板花式,以及絕少可在Nitro Circus以外看到的矚目驚心的特技表演。以Nitro Circus熱門的電視節目及Nitro Circus 3-D電影中的明星為主,巡迴演出是由極限運動傳奇人物兼10次極限運動冠軍得主Travis Pastrana發起

Nitro Circus 玩命特技現場秀將於89日晚上8810日下午3金光綜藝館舉行門票於625日(星期三)各大金光票務售票處公開發售。票價分別為港幣/澳門幣1,280元﹝VIP區﹞、780元﹝A區﹞、580元﹝B區﹞及280元﹝C區﹞觀眾可另加港幣 / 澳門幣88購買包括金光飛航往返港澳雙程船票的套票門票亦可透過網頁www.CotaiTicketing.com 、致電 +853 2882 8818 (澳門) / +852 6333 6660 (香港) / 4001 206 618 (中國) 、香港快達票 (將額外收取每張門票的顧客服務費) 網頁www.HKTicketing.com  或致電 +852 3128 8288,以及透過澳門廣星傳訊網頁www.macauticket.com、致電 +853 2855 5555,或親臨澳門廣星傳訊門市(門市據點資料請瀏覽 www.macauticket.com/TicketWeb/ServiceStations.aspx訂購。

Travis Pastrana’s Nitro Circus Live
Coming Back to The Venetian Macao
Action sports spectacle returns to Cotai Arena with brand new show Aug. 9-10

(Macao, June 24, 2014) – The heart-stopping Travis Pastrana’s Nitro Circus Live will soar through the air of The Venetian® Macao’s Cotai Arena again this year, bringing a brand new death defying spectacular to Macao with shows on Aug. 9 and 10. Tickets go on sale Wednesday, June 25 at all Cotai Ticketing™ box offices*.

Nitro Circus’ debut at the Cotai Arena last August was the first of its kind in Macao, astounding audiences with two heart-pulsing action sports shows. With extreme sports legend Travis Pastrana, founder of Nitro Circus, joining the upcoming Macao performances, fans will surely not want to miss the return of Nitro Circus this August.

“This tour is the biggest and most audacious action sports production ever staged,” says Pastrana. “This is truly an exciting, adrenaline-charged, live action sports show featuring an insane group of athletes who push each other to new extremes every single show.”

Fresh from sell-out tours of Europe, North America, South Africa and Australia, the Macao shows will be the first time the group of daredevils are setting their legs in Asia for their 2014 tour, giving Asian audiences the chance to see the stunning all-new show, painstakingly developed over the past five years. Macao fans will be treated to a newly designed, multi-million dollar set with unbelievable features that are debuting on this tour. For the first time in Nitro Circus Live history, the show will be going ‘retro,’ with the entire performance choreographed and styled as a 1920s, Barnum & Bailey style circus.

The tour brings together the greatest action sports cast ever assembled, including current X Games FMX Silver medallist Adam Jones, as well as X Fighters champion Josh Sheehan. On the BMX side, the world’s only triple backflipper, James Foster and the man who invented the trick, Jed ‘The Warrior’ Mildon of New Zealand, will both be showing their skills in Macao. The 10 other members of the star-studded BMX crew will throw down brand new tricks never before seen in Asia.

In addition, fans in Macao will also see the unbelievable ‘Hole in One’ where riders launch 50 feet into the air off the Gigant-A-Ramp and attempt to land with pinpoint accuracy inside an inflatable zorb ball. Then add in a host of mind-bending new tricks on a cavalcade of ridiculous, never-before-seen contraptions off the jacked-up Nitro Gigant-A-Ramp, which is 10-feet bigger, and launches riders up to 20-feet further than ever before.

Nitro Circus Live showcases over 40 of the world’s best action sports athletes performing daring and often record-breaking tricks in freestyle motocross, BMX and skateboarding, along with heart-stopping stunts on unique contraptions rarely attempted outside of the Nitro Circus family. Featuring the stars of Nitro Circus’ hit TV show and the 3-D Nitro Circus film, the tour was founded by action sports legend, Travis Pastrana, a 10-time X Games gold medallist.

Tickets for the 8 p.m. Aug. 9 and 3 p.m. Aug. 10 shows of Travis Pastrana’s Nitro Circus Live at the Cotai Arena go on sale Wednesday, June 25 via Cotai Ticketing, and can be purchased in one of four categories: HKD/MOP 1,280 (VIP), 780 (A Reserve), 580 (B Reserve), and 280 (C Reserve); HKD/MOP 88 adds a round trip Cotai Water Jet ferry ticket between Hong Kong and Macao (C Reserve tickets excluded). Tickets can be booked online at www.cotaiticketing.com, or by phone at +853 2882 8818 (Macao) / +852 6333 6660 (HK) / 4001 206 618 (China). Tickets are also available through Hong Kong Ticketing (customer service fee applies), online at www.HKTicketing.com or by phone at +852 3128 8288, and via Macao Kong Seng Ticketing Network, online at www.macauticket.com, by phone at +853 2855 5555, or in person at selected retail outlets (for locations, visit www.macauticket.com/
